Is your university using the best contemporary practices to manage the collection, reporting, and flow of faculty information?
If you are involved in faculty affairs, institutional research, university human resources, or academic technology, you will want to see this detailed checklist of specific questions that can indicate the health of your institution’s approach to information about your faculty members’ work.
Meant for comparison against the current state of faculty data at your institution, the checklist poses a rigorous series of questions about the fundamental elements of strategic faculty information management, such as:
- Building foundations for a more comprehensive look into faculty data and activity
- Establishing all stakeholders’ buy-in
- Addressing data collection challenges
- Repurposing and reusing data
Why it matters
More and more universities are recognizing the previously unseen opportunity costs of how little they typically know about the makeup, activity, and professional growth of their faculty—despite the fact that their faculty are the most central group on campus driving the academic mission. And, conversely, academic leaders are realizing how much more they might be able to do (or avoid) if they had a dedicated instrument for studying what their faculty do.