New frontier of academic reviews

There are many different ways to digitize promotion and tenure review; however, these solutions can vary greatly in the security, efficiency, and value they offer.

Improving Committee Logistics

Shared governance is invaluable to your institution, yet committees struggle to work efficiently.  Software solutions customized to the promotion and tenure process can minimize the workload of reviews on faculty and create more time for teaching and research.


Ensuring Consistent Processes and Policies

Faculty policies must be followed in every type of faculty review case, every time. Digitalizing the process can facilitate consistency across all reviews while preserving appropriate differences between disciplines, ranks, and employment models.

Achieving Equity and Transparency

Academic leaders have a responsibility to ensure equitable opportunities for academic advancement and growth. Higher education can level the playing field with consistent and transparent academic review processes and workflows. 

Managing faculty online

White Paper: Evaluating New Digital Systems for Managing Promotion and Tenure Reviews

This free white paper outlines what factors faculty and administrators should consider when choosing technology to support review, promotion, and tenure processes. Download

Managing Review, Promotion, & Tenure in a Digital Environment

Understand the features of a flexible, committee-friendly approach to conducting professional reviews online—all tailored to the needs of faculty—developed by experts in higher education.Read more

Best Practices Checklist: Promotion and Tenure Reviews

Is your university following best practices for promotion and tenure reviews? This detailed checklist outlines specific, demonstrable tactics. Download