Expanding Academic Possibilities with Interfolio and Elsevier 

Insights from Research Information Systems and Faculty Information Systems

Through Pure, its Research Information Management System (RIMS), Elsevier provides data and insights that enable committees and peer groups to evaluate and agree on the best possible outcomes for their institutions. The data-driven outcomes include the best of: national evaluation submissions, grant applications, research programs, or competitive institutional strategies.

With the new addition of Interfolio’s proven understanding of academic needs and workflows and its agile Faculty Information System, Elsevier is pleased to extend and support further collaboration among academics and their administration.

Together, Elsevier and Interfolio are supporting the important work of academic leaders and their staff in a holistic, strategic way.

Ready to learn more? Schedule a consultation today.

Combined benefits include:

Streamlining the collection and validation of authoritative data  

Demonstrating impact beyond publications

Reducing the logistical burden of committee reviews

Facilitating diversity and equity goals in recruiting, promotion, and workloads

Reliably mapping research and academic career journeys

Maximizing funding and grant success rates

Learn more about the possibilities created by research and faculty data through the following resources.

Activating Data Across the Lifecycle

By using structured, validated data, universities can glean better insights and therefore are able to drive institutional success more effectively. Faculty data is an important driver of insights, but often difficult to aggregate and manage, which is why technology like the faculty information system is helpful. This white paper Data in Faculty Affairs: How Modern Universities Can Get the Most out of Tracking Data outlines the important types of faculty data to collect, how to ensure optimal collection of quality data, and usage for insights and decision-making. 

Setting the Foundation for New Possibilities

In a recent online discussion, several leading institutions, including New York University and University of California, Los Angeles – shared their goals for using faculty information systems and research information management systems. Watch this video to learn about the challenges they tackled and the possibilities they are creating.

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Find out why the Interfolio platform is so popular among leading institutions.