As of today, we have remade Interfolio’s Dossier product for individual scholars into a more valuable offering that includes both free and premium versions—making Dossier more affordable for the majority of candidates on the job market.
Where we’ve been and where we’re going
Dossier has always been, and continues to be, a lifelong online platform for scholars to stay organized and have greater control over their academic careers. As the primary Interfolio offering since we got started in 1999, Dossier has steadily evolved and improved over the years.
For most of that time, Dossier functioned as an individual subscription model where the cost to the consumer was tied to their volume of applications. Each year, Interfolio Dossier customers send hundreds of thousands of deliveries of their stored academic materials. Because of this, we’ve grown to become the only service that ensures confidentiality and ensures that you’re covered by a professional support team when you need help.
As we’ve listened to our customers, and as we’ve worked more and more with institutions on faculty hiring and tenure, we now see Dossier as an asset that serves the full career of the individual, mobile scholar—who might apply to a number of opportunities in a given year, and throughout their career.
The shift we’re making reflects our understanding of the academic lifecycle and the current job market. Starting today, collection and curation of materials (and applications to Interfolio-hosted positions) will be free for everyone.
At the same time, we’re pricing the delivery service in a way that supports the majority of scholars in different situations across higher education—from those who need a relatively small number of deliveries every year to those who are in the most frequent need of the service. And we’re making sure that all applicants are covered with a support team if they need to hop on the phone (or email) to get help.
We’ll continue to support a range of opportunities types and application methods: the institutions to which you apply may already use Interfolio to manage their search—meaning you can apply for free—or they may require you to submit your application materials by mail, by email, or via their own online application system. Interfolio supports all of those formats.
Just the facts
Starting 7/18, instead of paying both an account fee and then fees per delivery, users will have two options:
- Dossier, a free service, which anyone can sign up for right now. There is no more account fee. With free Dossier, you can request and receive reusable confidential letters, store digital versions of all your academic career materials, and organize your work into collections for different purposes. You can also use free Dossier to apply to positions hosted through Interfolio.
- Dossier Deliver, a premium service that allows you to use your Interfolio account to deliver your materials 50 times per year, electronically or by mail, to any verified destination. There are no more fees per delivery (except for Priority Mail and FedEx deliveries). Instead, to send those 50 deliveries, you just need a $48 annual subscription. Let’s say it again: there are no more fees per delivery. Woo!
More information
For information relevant to the most common questions we’ve heard, please see our Frequently Asked Questions page.