Deadlines coming up?

Sign up for Dossier Deliver to get your applications in on time.

Get your confidential letters and other stored application materials in on time, complete, and in the right format, with just a few clicks—plus live assistance from Interfolio if you need it.

If you’ve used Interfolio’s Dossier in past years on the job market, you should know: there are no more fees per delivery, and there is no more account fee. A single flat subscription fee now covers up to 50 deliveries throughout the year.

Once you’re ready to start applying, sign into your account to upgrade to Dossier Deliver so that you can send your materials in support of any opportunity, such as faculty jobs, fellowships, grants, postdocs, or graduate study.

(Please note: If you have ever started an application to a position hosted through Interfolio, then you have a free Dossier under that email address already.)

Send 50 applications anywhere for $59.99/year.

  • Unlimited storage of career materials
  • A space to request, receive and store reusable confidential letters
  • Guaranteed quality checks on all received letters to address errors
  • The ability to share your materials and get feedback on them from anyone, anywhere
  • 50 electronic and/or mail deliveries (this includes applications)
  • Free Interfolio-hosted positions for application including grants, fellowships, and jobs
  • Access to Team Interfolio support (including deliveries)

Already have a free Dossier?

Dossier Deliver allows you to send confidential letters, collections, and other materials to anywhere you wish you apply.

Upgrade my Dossier

Don’t have a Dossier account yet?

If you’re currently seeking academic positions and need to send confidential letters (or full applications) to a variety of different destinations this season, sign up for an annual subscription to Dossier Deliver. Simply need to request, store, and organize your materials? You can do that with a free Dossier.

Sign Up for Free Dossier

Sign Up for Dossier Deliver

Need assistance?

Anyone can contact our Scholar Services team for technical and logistical support. Email us at, or call us at (877) 997-8807. We’re available 9:00 AM -6:00 PM Eastern Time, Monday through Friday.