May 22-25, 2018 / Bristol, UK
Come meet us at UHR 2018.
Do you wish academic staff hiring, promotion, and activity data reporting processes at your university could be more cost-effective and consistent?
At the UHR Conference 2018, we’d love to meet you, learn about your institution’s particular challenges, and share how we’ve helped with these administrative necessities around academic staff at our client universities.
By handling such administrative concerns more efficiently and transparently—and freeing up academic staff members’ time so they can focus on students or research—the human resources office can build a needed bridge between academic staff and institutional administration, and can help the university have a greater impact overall.
Who is Interfolio?
Interfolio is an academic technology company, founded in 1999 and headquartered in Washington, D.C., that currently helps several hundred universities to manage and track the work, decisions, and data of academic staff. Interfolio operates the Faculty Information System, the first of its kind in higher education.
Today, over two hundred universities use the Faculty Information System to manage academic staff work and information—including large and small, research-intensive and teaching-oriented, the more traditional and the more experimental.
Come by our booth, or schedule an informal one-on-one conversation to learn more about how your own institution’s academic staff data and decision processes could benefit from the Faculty Information System.