We are actively monitoring a widespread outage of AWS which is impacting parts of Interfolio’s platform including delays when logging in and navigating throughout our system.
Our team will share updates as soon as they are available.

Our new white paper Equity and Legal Risk in Tenure Reviewsreleased this week, examines a variety of tenure denial cases across the U.S. The paper identifies four characteristic “areas of deficiency” around institutions’ tenure practices in situations when candidates have brought legal action over a denial: clarity, consistency, communication, and the organization of documentation. Continue reading “New white paper: Equity and Legal Risk in Tenure Reviews”

We want to highlight a recent development in Interfolio’s Dossier product, the academic portfolio software we’ve offered since 1999, that will support career development for scholars at institutions using our shared governance platform: institutional guidelines for review, promotion, and tenure. Continue reading “The scholar’s career online: Interfolio’s Dossier, and the benefits of educational portfolio software re-envisioned”

Today we’re rolling out the next bundle of improvements for individuals who are using Interfolio to collect and present their academic materials (including the ability to include images and videos)—both in our Dossier product for candidates and in our ByCommittee platform for institutions.  Continue reading “More tools for individual academic candidates: images and videos, bulk upload, and previewing”

The new collections feature in Interfolio’s Dossier enables you to build any number of standing lists of your materials for different purposes or aspects of your academic life. It’s an early step towards a new Dossier that will better support academic candidates’ ongoing needs throughout their careers. Continue reading “Introducing collections in Interfolio’s Dossier”

We’re taking our own advice! Beginning today, we’ve made reporting in ByCommittee into a unified experience across both the Faculty Search and Promotion & Tenure modules. The new standard reporting interface is consistent and easy to filter, and allows you to save your settings for the future. Continue reading “Improvements to reporting in Interfolio’s ByCommittee”

After a long process of tweaking, bending, and shaping Interfolio’s visual identity throughout 2016 to find a look that matches who we are now, we are excited to present Interfolio’s new set of colors and styles. The new look improves your day-to-day in-product experience with simplified interactions, an enhanced color palette, and a user interface that draws focus to what’s important. Continue reading “Interfolio: Redesigned, Rebranded, Revisited | Designer’s Notes”

In the coming week, our updates to Interfolio’s overall look and feel will continue in ByCommittee with a cohesive set of new colors, styles, fonts, and visual cues. It’s going to make the whole online platform easier on the eyes. But don’t worry—everything you could do before, you’ll still be able to do.  Continue reading “Heads up: Interfolio’s new look enters ByCommittee”