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As a full-time faculty member celebrating the end of year ten teaching in higher education, I have found that my engagement with students significantly influences student success. While I cannot do the work for students, I can do the work for myself to be better, show up better, and perform better for them. As faculty, what we do matters. What we say matters, and what we do not say matters. How we show up and perform matters to students and dramatically impacts their success. This post will explore some of the learnings I have held onto over the past ten years of teaching.

Engagement Starts Before the First Class

While many institutions are moving toward faculty sending some form of contact before the first meeting, not all have implemented this effective practice. Whether face-to-face, online synchronous, online asynchronous, or hybrid, faculty teaching in any of these modalities should send some basic information to students before the first day of class. I send my communication to students about a week before the course starts. Some basic information that would help students prepare and be more ready for the course includes:

  1. Faculty Name, Email, preferred method of communication
  2. Course Title and information/description 
  3. Course Modality
  4. Location/Time/Meeting Expectations
  5. Instructors for what to expect/prepare for on the first day  

While this may feel like a no-brainer for some faculty, and for others may feel like extra work, I have found it incredibly beneficial for students. This is especially helpful for students who may already be anxious or nervous about your course. I advise you to draft an intentional and thoughtful welcome message to your students that you can recycle semester to semester. Your students will appreciate you for this. You also will appreciate yourself, as I have found that this simple yet impactful approach cuts down on pre-semester emails and first-day confusion.

The First Day

Just as contact before the course starts is essential, equally as important is the engagement and energy that the first day will bring to students. I am not saying we need to jump through hoops and put on a circus show; however, first impressions mean a lot to us and our students. So, remember, your students are watching and observing you and your personality and energy just as much as you are watching them. Please think deeply about what experience you want your students to have on the first day. Here are some questions to consider as you plan and create the first-day experience for your students.

  1. What is the goal of today?
  2. What do I need to be mindful of and reminded of?
  3. After class, how do I want students to describe their experience? 
  4. What’s one word that describes my intentions for today?
  5. What does showing up to be in service to my students look like?

These are a few questions you could ask to be intentional about how you are thinking, planning, and showing up for the first day of class. I revisit these questions often, as, after a few years, the first day of classes could become routine or mundane, so I try to intentionally shake things up so that I bring a fun and light energy. This helps me to connect with my students and what they might need from me. On that note, it is vital that we, as faculty, remember that we should build with our students. We should include them in the learning process so we can co-create a space conducive for all to learn. Moreover, we must remember that our students are the experts of their lived experiences, and we should allow them to use that knowledge in the classroom to facilitate new learning and growth.

Regular Semester Check-ins 

In addition to first-day support, regular check-ins have proved to be helpful for me and my students. I encourage a variety of check-ins throughout the semester, and I do class, individual, department, and personal/self check-ins throughout the semester. Below, I will also include some started questions you can use as you check in:

Class/Group Check-ins:

  1. What’s working?
  2. What needs to be changed?
  3. What do we need from ourselves and each other to be successful?
  4. What’s missing?

Individual Student Check-ins:

  1. What do you want or need more or less of from me?
  2. What do you want to continue doing to be successful?
  3. What do you want to start doing to be successful? 
  4. What do you want to stop doing to be successful?

Department/Colleague Check-ins:

  1. What is something new you are trying?
  2. What is something that has surprised you this semester?
  3. What support do you need from me?
  4. What tips and advice might you have for finding balance?

Self Reflection/Personal Check-in:

  1. What does a pause look like?
  2. What do I need to be supported?
  3. What is driving me right now?
  4. What do I need to say “no” to?

Engagement is Continuous!

As faculty, we must remember that engagement is continuous. While I provide some check-the-box to-do list items above, we must also acknowledge the continuous effort it takes to be impactful with engagement. We should make time for collaboration with our students and colleagues. We should also make time for professional development. Some of the best ideas and approaches to student learning have come from professional development workshops and conferences.

I have also learned to look at the course syllabus and all of the materials and assignments to be co-created, co-edited, and co-evaluated with my students. Years ago, I switched my approach and philosophy to be entirely student-centered and focused. That means the learning space is co-created and is not “my” classroom but “OUR” classroom. It is one thing to shift terminology and language from “my” or “our,” I encourage you to be sure your actions align with your words.

Lastly, remember to put a diversity, equity, inclusion, anti-racist, and accessible lens on things. DEIAA should be woven into all approaches, learning activities, and reflections for you and the students. Your approaches to student engagement and success should help remove barriers, not create them. I encourage you to use methods that honor universal design and evaluate all that you know and do inside and outside the classroom.

Author Bio:

Antione D. Tomlin, PhD, PCC is a tenure-track Associate Professor + Chair of the Academic Literacies Department at Anne Arundel Community College. Dr. Tomlin is also an ICF Certified Life Coach.

Feel free to join in the conversation on Twitter at @TomlinAntione.

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Any opinions, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the view of Interfolio.

Discover essential end of semester survival tips for faculty and staff, designed to boost productivity and well-being during the busiest time of the academic year.

Tips for Faculty and Staff #1:


While this may seem standard, you would be surprised how many faculty get to May and say, yikes, the semester is almost over. Set a reminder and be aware of how quickly the semester’s end is approaching. Additionally, you may have to recommit to your to-do list. Also, recommit to writing down the tasks needing to be done, as it is easy to rely on things being top of mind and then slipping away from priority as the end of semester drive to the finish line begins. So, plan, and be intentional with adding things to your to-do list and tackling them as they come along.

Tips for Faculty and Staff #2:

Get Organized

Getting organized can be directly linked to planning. Getting organized can also mean sorting out your important documents, committee work, and grading. Creating a filing and storage system that works for you might be beneficial, so you can quickly access end-of-semester evaluations, grades, or other documents. Creating a filing and storage system, such as a Google Drive or Cloud folder, is a practical end of semester survival tip and one way to manage your important documents. This way, you could quickly shuffle emails/documents/and files into one space to access when needed. Additionally, create priority levels and folders for your email as well. Managing your chaos of tons of emails could be half the battle.

Tips for Faculty and Staff #3:

Connect, Reconnect, and Stay Connected!

In my experience as a faculty member, in the past, it has been easy to isolate myself from my colleagues as I am so busy I just need to “get it done!” I have found that while this approach can feel very effective at the moment, it has not been the most beneficial to my mental health and wellness. I encourage you to find time to connect, reconnect, and stay connected to colleagues, friends, and family, even when the end-of-semester commotion starts. You don’t have to commit to every social event or outing and be sure not to cancel plans before even considering how stepping away from the end-of-semester chaos can be the self-care and boost of energy you need to finish the semester strong.

Tips for Faculty and Staff #4:

Find JOY!

Staying connected could bring much joy. So, do stay connected. It would help if you considered what else brings you joy outside of being a faculty member and engage in some of those things, even at the end of the semester. Do not neglect your happiness for the sake of trying to “get things done!” I encourage you to create a list or menu of options that bring you joy so that when you get to the end of the semester, you can pull an option from your list that brings you delight in the chaos. Personal examples of options on my menu include taking time to watch one of my favorite tv shows, having brunch with friends, and blocking time on my schedule to do NOTHING!

Author Bio:

Antione D. Tomlin, PhD, PCC is a tenure-track Associate Professor + Chair of the Academic Literacies Department at Anne Arundel Community College. Dr. Tomlin is also an ICF Certified Life Coach.

Feel free to join in the conversation on Twitter at @TomlinAntione.

Build Your Dossier With Interfolio.
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Applying for academic programs or positions requires many artifacts. Put your best foot forward with Interfolio.

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Any opinions, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the view of Interfolio.

Antione D. Tomlin

Antione D. Tomlin, PhD, PCC

Associate Professor + Chair of the Academic Literacies Department

Anne Arundel Community College

D’Shaun Vance, EdD

Academic Affairs

 School of Medicine and Health Sciences at George Washington University

Obtaining a doctoral degree is no small feat, and building connections and professional relationships can be equally daunting and exhausting. Here, we outline tips for helping doctoral students and candidates develop and maintain lasting professional relationships. We note that these are just some strategies and tips doctoral candidates can explore. Additionally, we welcome more suggestions and advice for what works for doctoral candidates and recent graduates. Review the bottom of this post for how to join and continue the conversation.

Perspectives from a Recent Doctoral Candidate, Dr. Vance. 

Tip #1:

As a recent doctoral candidate who started their program online due to COVID-19, it was extremely difficult to build relationships, but not impossible. What worked for me was meeting with my professors outside of class hours to further discuss my interests, experience, and how they could help me navigate the higher education field, which is much larger than one can imagine. In these meetings, they would share their networks with me, introducing me to their colleagues who they felt would have an impact on my career trajectory. In these meetings is also where I was given a sneak peek or further look into speakers coming to class or who have already been to class to be introduced separately for more questioning and in depth conversations. These conversations have led to job opportunities, conference presentations, and relationships I am now cultivating on a consistent basis. As professionals, we can help each other. Just because you are/were a student does not mean your knowledge and experience is not valued; you just have to be intentional about putting yourself in spaces so your voice can be heard and seen as a value add.

Tip #2:

Conferences! If your program or professors are not pushing you to go to and attend conferences, please take this as your push! Prior to the pandemic, I had not attended any higher education conferences, but knew I should have been. I joined some professional organizations, but skipped the conference portion. At conferences is where my knowledge expands and networks grow. There can guarantee there are people from all types of institutions you interact with and start to find a needed connection. There are instances where you can help them solve a problem or vice versa. Going to conferences is a definite way to build a professional network. The key: do not be scared to talk to people. If you are attending with your institution/organization, try to sit with other groups during meal times to further conversations on topics either being discussed at the conference or pain points in your operations to get outside perspectives and thoughts. 

Perspective from a Full-Time Faculty Member and Dissertation Advisor, Dr. Tomlin

Tip #3

Fail Fabulously! This goes for all relationships. Be it romantic, platonic, mentorship, or relationship with your dissertation or doctoral project, lean into failing fabulously. Graduate students, particularly doctoral students, often feel they know everything. This feeling of thinking you need to know everything can create a lot of anxiety and stress throughout the doctoral journey. So, fail fabulously. This is the notion that we will not know everything, which is okay. It is not about the mistakes we make during the journey but what we do with the lessons learned from the errors that matter most. Furthermore, I am not saying to fail literally; I am saying to hold your journey lightly and be open to learning from all challenges and mistakes made. This is one of the ways to fail fabulously.

Tip #4

Give 110% to what you say yes to! Your word is your bond, and your bond is your reputation. Be mindful of what you are committing and saying yes to. AND, when you do say yes, be sure to give 110%. You never know how your work may reach rooms, people, and places before you. You always want to put your all into your commitment, as your work will speak for you when no one else is around. So, do not overcommit; give your all to what you commit to. Your work ethic, personality, and research/scholarly work are what may attract many relationships before others even know your name. Remember, always put your best foot forward. 

Have anything to add? Feel free to continue the conversation with us on Twitter: @TomlinAntione

Authors Bios:

Antione D. Tomlin, PhD, PCC is a tenure-track Associate Professor + Chair of the Academic Literacies Department at Anne Arundel Community College. Dr. Tomlin is also an ICF Certified Life Coach.

D’Shaun Vance, EdD, manages Academic Affairs in the School of Medicine and Health Sciences at George Washington University. Dr. Vance is also an up and coming speaker in the area of Academic Advising.

Any opinions, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the view of Interfolio.

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Antione D. Tomlin

Antione D. Tomlin, PhD, PCC

Associate Professor + Chair of the Academic Literacies Department

Anne Arundel Community College

Gretchen B. Rudham, EdD

Assistant Professor

Morgan State University

While getting organized can seem daunting, it does not have to be. Here we offer tips for both students and faculty colleagues on how to bring lightness and fun to successful organizing. As faculty and previous students, we understand how crucial it can be to bring organization to personal and career goals. Therefore, we approach this piece and offer advice from student and faculty perspectives.

Tips for Students

Tip 1: Super Nerd Systems Check 

Having a system for thinking through content before writing is not talked about enough. Half of the battle is knowing yourself and then creating a system that is realistically aligned with you and how you work best. Setting up a clear system of where, how, or when you work best is crucial.

There are multiple parts of the systems check to consider: accountability, technology and information storage, creativity and inspiration, brainstorming, drafting, and revision as well as moral support. Do you need high-tech, low-tech, or a combination of both? How do you save your reading materials? How and when do you read? Where do you record your sudden (and sometimes fleeting) brainstorms and ideas? Do you need an accountability system that is automated (deadlines on a calendar or alarms on your phone) or personalized (accountability/writing group)? When do you think, discuss, chew on ideas, and outline? Alone or with others? Where and when are you most productive?

Inspiration can hit while walking or driving, or at specific times of the day, or at different locations. Pay attention to place, space, and windows of productivity.

Tip 2: Writer’s Block: All Super Nerds Can Get Stuck

All super nerds can experience feeling blocked or stuck during the writing process, whether that is doubt during the infancy of the idea, imposter syndrome as you pitch or seek a home for your writing, feeling stuck in the middle of writing, or hitting a wall as you trudge through the revision process. Creativity in multiple forms is the key to becoming unstuck in these moments. I follow a lot of different writers and artists on social media, and seeing folks create across many different mediums inspires me.

Stepping away from the books and engaging with art, music, films, museums, local artists, or the beauty of nature; all can get your brain off the track it may be stuck on and shift your thinking. And, part of this process includes rethinking what counts as part of the writing process. Creative recharging is not taking away from writing, but rather can become part of your practice as a writer. Part of the organization process of academic writing includes planning for the inevitable ebb and flow of ideas and inspiration. Beyond creative recharging, designing structures or space for conversations, collaboration, brainstorming, and inspiration can be helpful.

Talking through ideas or concepts with a brainstorming partner can be built into your writing practice. You can lean on technology to record and talk through ideas or stuck points. Using Canva or other digital tools can help you conceptualize and organize ideas before they make it to the draft.

Tips for Faculty Colleagues 

Tip 3: Find A Mentor/Ask For Help

As faculty, we often feel we must have it all figured out. We also do not acknowledge how challenging transitioning to a full-time faculty role can be and the stressors that new and junior faculty face. In addition to getting acclimated to a new institution, it could be daunting to keep up with faculty requirements and obligations (i.e., teaching loads, research, and family/personal life balance). With all the learning and transition that comes with accepting new faculty appointments, it can be extremely difficult to keep up with not only all the paperwork and documents your institution may require (professional development documentation, grant/funding applications, conference and travel reimbursement, etc.) but it can also be difficult to keep up with your personal academic documents (curriculum vitae, teaching philosophy, research interest, project proposals, etc.).

If all of this feels overwhelming, you might you find a mentor and ask for help. Remember, you do not have to have it all figured out. We advise you to get comfortable with asking for help when you need it. This will save you a lot of time as you learn the expectations of your institution and role as a faculty member. Moreover, do not reinvent the wheel when you do not have to. We encourage you to find someone who you trust to help. Permit yourself to ask for what you need to be successful. Once you permit yourself to ask for what you need, we challenge you to put it into practice. Yes, we encourage you to go and start practicing asking for help; no matter how big or small the ask, go practice!     

Tip 4: The Cloud!  

Another simple, yet crucial, piece of advice we offer is to back up your important documents to a cloud-based platform. This simple piece of advice may save your life. How often do we tell our students to save, save, save, AND back up their work in multiple places or to a cloud? What we have found is that we faculty are sometimes guilty of not taking our own advice. So, take your advice and back up your important document to the cloud.

If you have not done so already, we encourage you now to create folders in Google Drive or other cloud-based software; this way, you can access all documents from any device. Additionally, your documents will be saved and backed up in case anything happens to your computer. Furthermore, have some fun with this process. While it can seem uneventful to back up your files, we challenge you to think about how you might bring some fun and lightness to this process.

Lastly, create a system or schedule for when you will dedicate time to updating your files so that you have the most recent and up-to-date information saved.  

Have anything to add? Feel free to continue the conversation with us on Twitter: @TomlinAntione @bmttbaltimore

Authors’ Bios:

Antione D. Tomlin, PhD, PCC is a tenure-track Associate Professor + Chair of the Academic Literacies Department at Anne Arundel Community College. Dr. Tomlin is also an ICF Certified Life Coach.

Gretchen B. Rudham, EdDis an Assistant Professor at Morgan State University in the School of Education and Urban Studies. Her research interests include social justice leadership, Digital Humanities, and dismantling white supremacy in curriculum, schools and society.

Any opinions, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the view of Interfolio.

Interfolio Dossier

Use Interfolio’s Dossier to manage and send recommendation letters, CVs/resumes, and other academic career materials.

Antione D. Tomlin

Antione D. Tomlin, PhD, PCC

Associate Professor + Chair of the Academic Literacies Department

Anne Arundel Community College

Tasha Wilson, MSW, MEd

Case Manager, Office of Inclusion and Institutional Equity

Towson University

Engaging in the job search process is a job itself. We know how daunting the process and journey to securing new employment can be. This article will explore tips for organizing and preparing for the job search. If you are actively looking for new employment or just casually exploring options, the tips offered here might be helpful to you. As higher education professionals, we encourage you always to stay ready as opportunities develop quickly.   

Self-Assessment & Analysis

Sometimes life experiences can challenge us to desire more for ourselves in the professional arena. Priorities may have shifted in our personal lives that provoke us to seek out opportunities that have more autonomy in our schedules, higher compensation, or a work environment that is not necessarily location bound. We know that engaging in the job search process serves as a benefit, but we are often unsure as to how we should initiate it. Introspection will guide the direction of your decisions on which positions to aim for. Be honest about what you are looking for in a position and what you need in an employer. Identify your career goals. What are the things you’re most passionate about? What core elements are important to you in an organization that will align with your aspirations toward professional advancement? We recommend creating an action plan to help keep you disciplined with tracking your progress of application submissions, callbacks, and interviews.


Relationship building is essential in your job searching process. It is a transformational skill that can bring you confidence, a sense of belongingness, and well-being. Being intentional in connecting with people and fostering relationships promotes collaborative efforts and opportunities within organizations you may be interested in working for. You may be invited to serve as a speaker, a guest to attend upcoming events, or a collaborator for a special project.  People can provide referrals, give you intel about upcoming vacancies and offer insight contributing to your professional journey. We recommend actively seeking opportunities to engage with people and establish sustainable partnerships. Research organizations and professional networks whose core values and mission support your desirable career outlook.

Save the Job Description

So often, we come across a posting that intrigues us, and we mark it to apply later. While we may come back to apply, it is equally as essential to save the posting as a PDF or screenshot. Most places of employment remove the posting after the applicant pool is officially closed. Keeping the description to access it later may help with interview preparations. It may also help with remembering the position when some employers might take months to contact you for an interview. We recommend keeping a digital folder with all the job postings/descriptions you applied for so you can quickly review it when needed, even if it has been removed from the internet.

Update Often

Remembering everything you have done or updating your resume or CV with trendy buzzwords can take time and effort. We recommend you update as you go. Even when not looking for new opportunities, get into the flow of updating your documents often. If you want to be committed to keeping up with things, we suggest updating your records at least once a month. Setting aside time once a month to update your document can save you a lot of time in the long run. Updating often also helps you to stay ready for any unexpected opportunities that may come your way.

Feel free to join us in the conversation on Twitter at @TomlinAntione.

Authors’ Bios:

Antione D. Tomlin, PhD, PCC is a tenure-track Associate Professor + Chair of the Academic Literacies Department at Anne Arundel Community College. Dr. Tomlin is also an ICF Certified Life Coach.

Tasha Wilson, MSW, MEd, is an innovative change agent with expertise spanning policy implementation, educational equity, and compliance. Tasha currently serves as a Case Manager in the Office of Inclusion and Institutional Equity at Towson University. Additionally, she is an Adjunct Professor at Anne Arundel Community College. Outside of her career in Student Affairs, Tasha is internationally recognized as a trailblazer in the marketplace. She is a published author, entrepreneur and speaker who has made appearances across the United States, New Zealand, and Australia. In 2016, Tasha was presented with the Governor’s Volunteer Service Certificate by The State of Maryland. In 2021, she was featured in VoyageBaltimore Magazine as one of Baltimore’s Inspiring Stories. As a mental health advocate, she served on Grammy Award-winner Michelle Williams’ launch team for the book “Checking In.”

Any opinions, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the view of Interfolio.

Interfolio Dossier

Use Interfolio’s Dossier to manage and send recommendation letters, CVs/resumes, and other academic career materials.

Antione D. Tomlin

Antione D. Tomlin, PhD, PCC

Associate Professor + Chair of the Academic Literacies Department

Anne Arundel Community College

Lavon Davis, MA, MEd

PhD Student

University of Maryland, Baltimore County

Attending graduate school can be fun, exciting, and nerve-racking all at the same time for students. This is especially true for students during their first semester in a graduate program. This piece explores four tips, two for students and two for faculty, on how students can be successful and how faculty can support their students during the crucial transitions that graduate school requires.  

Student Tip #1: Know and Be Known

Graduate school is a meaningful experience that has the potential to shape one’s journey in a variety of ways.  It’s not always about the physical work but also about the self-work needed to progress through. With that, making meaningful connections with constituents within and outside of the institutions you are committed to becomes valuable. Ensure that you are making a conscious effort to get to know others in the research arena and beyond. This can serve as a gateway to make your name known in circles that could help expand your research and help you traverse through critical moments within your study. Getting to know others and allowing others the opportunity to know you opens up a realm of vulnerability that could be beneficial for you now and in the future.

Student Tip #2: Encourage Yourself

Many may have moments and feelings of inadequacy. Maybe you didn’t write as much as you had wanted. Maybe the quality of your work didn’t meet your own expectations. Or maybe you didn’t get the grade you were hoping for. All of these are real experiences one could undergo, but it’s essential to realize that these moments do not determine the totality of who we are. Find ways to encourage yourself throughout the week. Make encouraging notes.  Speak good things about yourself, even when you may feel like a failure—which you are not! Get the proper help and support to ensure your well-being is on track to sustain the rigors that may come with a grad program.

Faculty Tip #1: Get and Stay Curious 

While getting to know your students professionally and personally is essential, this is sometimes a small, overlooked necessity. Take the time to learn what you can about your students, where they see this degree taking them, what research interest they hold, and what excitement, nerve, and fear they bring to the journey. Taking the time to ask curious questions will help to remove any assumptions we may have as faculty, as curiosity will aid in the removal of barriers. 

Faculty Tip #2: Let Go! 

This tip is easier said than done. When we say let go, we mean it. Let go of the ancient ways of instructing, grading, approaching supportive techniques, and mentorship. Lean into innovative trends, strategies, and practices. We are not suggesting that you change everything immediately; however, as educators, we must change our approaches to meet the needs of our students. So, we encourage you to examine your practices and see if they truly align with the mission and goal of aiding student success. Then, we encourage you to seek and implement one new practice that will continue to support student success. 

Feel free to join us in the conversation on Twitter at @TomlinAntione and @LvnDvs

Authors Bios:

Antione D. Tomlin, PhD, PCC is a tenure-track Associate Professor + Chair of the Academic Literacies Department at Anne Arundel Community College. Dr. Tomlin is also an ICF Certified Life Coach.

Lavon Davis, MA, MEd, is a current PhD student at the University of Maryland, Baltimore County in the Language, Literacy, and Culture program, focusing on sociolinguistics and how language grants or denies access. He has been working in higher education for nearly 10 years and serves as an Assistant Director for Communication and Learning at Georgetown University. In addition, he also serves as an adjunct faculty member at Anne Arundel Community College in the Academic Literacies Department.

Any opinions, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the view of Interfolio.

Antione D. Tomlin

Antione D. Tomlin, PhD, PCC

Associate Professor + Chair of the Academic Literacies Department

Anne Arundel Community College

Hiawatha D. Smith, PhD

Assistant Professor, Literacy Education

University of Wisconsin River Falls

Graduate school is an investment in your future. More specifically, it has the potential to positively impact your salary, career opportunities, and knowledge within your field of study. Applying to graduate school can be fun, exciting, frustrating, and anxiety-provoking all at the same time. As faculty who have experienced the infinite emotions that potentially arise when applying to graduate school, we pull from our personal experience to offer four tips to consider when completing the process. During this process, you will want to think about the financial aspects, the admissions requirements, and the benefits of graduate school, but this post moves beyond this to highlight tips that we feel are underlying keys to success. While applying for graduate school can bring some stress, we also encourage you to think deeply about how you may be able to bring joy to this essential decision-making and doing process.  Moreover, whether you are applying to a master’s or doctoral program, we are sure that these tips will aid in supporting both processes.   

Tip #1: Investigate the Program. Is it a Mutually Good Fit?

This tip might seem like common sense, but it is often overlooked. Therefore, we urge you to complete a thorough investigation of the program you are contemplating before completing an application. It is important to understand the program’s requirements, features, and outcomes, as well as your goals/needs from your graduate experience. These program components are inconsistent across universities and therefore merit a solid exploration. Here are some ideas to consider when exploring and applying to a program. What is the format of the program? Is it face-to-face, hybrid (regular or intermittent meeting schedule), or fully online? What are the requirements for completion? Is there a thesis, research project, practicum, or external assessment required to complete the degree requirements? Last, what are your goals for the program? Are you interested in a new career, career advancement, or advanced certification? After investigating these, ask yourself if this is a mutually good fit.  

Tip #2: Chat with Students & Faculty in Your Desired Program

A tip that could be reasonably simple—yet take you a long way—is to make an effort to connect with students and faculty affiliated with the graduate program under consideration. Connecting in this way could not only put your face with your name for faculty when making decisions about acceptance, but it could also give you some inside perspective on if this is indeed the right program for you and your life. Remember, just as much as your desired program is taking a chance on you, you also need to be sure the program feels like a good home and fit for you. Lastly, folks closely aligned and affiliated with your program are uniquely positioned to help you understand the journey to and completion through the graduate program. So, we say, use your resources, and work smart, not hard.   

Tip #3: Ask an Alum to Write A Letter of Recommendation 

We admit this tip is more strategic than a traditional must-do for your application. Securing a letter of recommendation from a graduate of your desired program shows your potential institution and program your passion and connection to the content area.. Having a letter from someone who has completed the program you are applying to serves as a gesture of goodwill and ability. You are signaling to the program that not only do you believe you can, but others who have successfully done it believe you can as well. Lastly, asking an alum to write you a strong letter of recommendation also puts the program in a position to justify why they went against the better judgment of someone they trained themselves, should they decide to deny your application. If “real recognize real,” then having an alum to highly recommend you in a letter should make your application for admission even stronger.   

Tip #4: Plan your Personal Statement

This statement has many names, but it has a single goal, to showcase you for the reviewers. This essential component of the application process is a snapshot of who you are beyond the other application materials. It highlights your intentions and goals, how you fit within the program, and why you should be admitted to the program. With the importance of this document, you should carefully plan this statement. Read then reread the prompt(s) for the statement. Be sure you understand exactly what it is asking you to do. Next, jot down notes to be sure you answer all components. Then, think about what makes you unique, what makes you stand out? Integrate this within your written narrative, highlighting the unique qualities that make you a good candidate for the program. Last, are there faculty you wish to work with during your program? Identify them for the reviewers. 

Feel free to join us in the conversation on Twitter at @TomlinAntione

Authors Bios:

Antione D. Tomlin, PhD, PCC is a tenure-track Associate Professor + Chair of the Academic Literacies Department at Anne Arundel Community College. Dr. Tomlin is also an ICF Certified Life Coach.

Hiawatha D. Smith, PhD, is an assistant professor of literacy education at the University of Wisconsin River Falls. In addition to his teaching responsibilities within the teacher education department, he is the director of the graduate elementary education program.  Dr. Smith is a member of the Diversity Scholars Network at the University of Michigan and a 2022 NCTE Early Career Educator of Color award recipient.

Any opinions, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the view of Interfolio.

Applying for faculty positions can be a great deal of work, and preparing materials for submission takes time and skill. So, it is essential to consider what should be included in your application to score high during the committee selection process. As a potential full-time faculty member, your application will be scored and reviewed based on many criteria. This post will share tips to package a well-rounded application for full-time faculty positions.

Talk to Faculty in the Department

When seeking and applying for a faculty position, knowing the institution you are applying for and the faculty already working there is vital. So, it is necessary and can only help you talk with some of the faculty in the department. Therefore, research the potential school and department you are applying for and look at the faculty they have. Reach out to the faculty to get a feel of the environment and energy you may be working in, and, if possible, find the newer faculty and get their insight too. This is beneficial as they would be the faculty who have the most insight into what it was like as a candidate, someone who was in your shoes more recently than other members in the department.

Preparing Your Materials

After talking to faculty in the department to which you are applying, use any tips and strategies to align your materials with their expectations. In addition to those tips, I will provide additional things to consider when organizing your application. Below, you will find different categories and criteria used to score initial applications.

Teaching Effectiveness & Student Engagement

One category to be sure to speak to when putting your application packet together is teaching effectiveness and student engagement. Departments want to see that you have a proven record of teaching effectiveness. Some of the criteria that may be used to score your application include:

  • Knowledge and use of innovative teaching strategies to promote student success
  • Knowledge and experience with engaging teaching strategies
  • Knowledge and/or experience engaging students beyond the classroom (advising, student activities, internships, research, etc.)
  • Strong content knowledge closely aligned with the needs of the department/school
  • Strong pedagogical knowledge
  • Strong knowledge of instructional technology and/or distance learning aligned with the needs of the department/school
  • Experience with learning outcomes assessment

Collaborative Experience Within Your Department, College/School, and Community

A second category to be sure to demonstrate your experience is collaboration. Departments want to know they are hiring a faculty member who is a team player and works well with others. If you do not have these professional experiences from other institutions or jobs, call upon your community and/or graduate experiences as they relate to successful collaboration. Some criteria that may be used to evaluate collaboration include:

  • Experience developing and managing partnerships (K-12, business and industry, community organizations, other colleges, e.g., 2+2, etc.)
  • Evidence of successful teamwork and collaboration with colleagues or demonstrated evidence of college/department service
  • Experience mentoring colleagues and/or students
  • Evidence of successful student outreach and/or recruitment activities
  • Experience designing and developing curriculum within multiple modalities
  • Experience developing and/or implementing programming in response to needs within the community (e.g., continuing education, extended learning, and/or workforce education)

Commitment to Diversity, Equity, Inclusion

This category is one that more and more institutions are expecting to be at the core of your teaching philosophy and approach to supporting students broadly. Some criteria to speak to in your application include:

  • Knowledge and experience working with diverse populations (e.g., minority, low income, special needs, veterans, first-generation, varying ages, etc.)
  • Demonstrated knowledge of integrating equity in the discipline’s courses, programs, and college curriculum and eradicating equity gaps
  • Cultural competence and an ability to respect differences and alternative perspectives
  • Demonstrated commitment to institution’s values

Professional Development/Continuous Improvement

The last category shared will be professional development. Institutions like to see that you stay current in your field and continue learning, growing, and expanding your knowledge base. Some things to consider highlighting in your application are:

  • Demonstrated commitment to continuous improvement and understanding of the need for professional growth and development
  • Evidence that candidate aligns career goals with the needs of the institution

Feel free to join us in the conversation on Twitter at @TomlinAntione.

Authors Bio:

Antione D. Tomlin, PhD, PCC is a tenure-track Associate Professor + Chair of the Academic Literacies Department at Anne Arundel Community College. Dr. Tomlin is also an ICF Certified Life Coach.

Any opinions, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the view of Interfolio.

Antione D. Tomlin

Antione D. Tomlin, PhD, PCC

Associate Professor + Chair of the Academic Literacies Department

Anne Arundel Community College

Dr. Darian Senn-Carter

Professor + Interim Director of the Homeland Security and Criminal Justice Institute

Anne Arundel Community College

Gaining a full-time faculty position can be very competitive. One way to set yourself apart from the tons of other qualified candidates would be to have outstanding letters of recommendation. Just as we encourage students to seek recommenders who will write glowing letters, the same is true for individuals seeking faculty appointments. Excellent letters of recommendation can be the only part of an application packet that sets you apart from the rest of the pool, especially if you have similar qualifications and credentials. This post will share four items to include in a letter of recommendation for faculty candidates to stand out.

Introduction (of self and explanation of relationship with applicant)

It is vital first to understand the audience for your letter and to tailor the letter to each specific application. Recommendation letters should include an introduction of the recommender and an introduction of the applicant. The applicant’s introduction is essential to establish who the applicant is and what they are applying for. In the introduction of the recommender, emphasize what uniquely qualifies you to endorse the applicant. Detail your profession, credentials, and relationship to the applicant, including the length of time you have known the applicant. The introduction should concisely establish your intent to provide a strong endorsement of the applicant.   


A large portion of the recommendation letter should speak to the applicant’s qualifications. We encourage recommenders to closely match the job posting details with the applicant’s strengths and capabilities. Here, you will want to clarify how the applicant’s qualifications align and overlap with the employer’s needs. Here is where the recommender will need to connect the dots, not assuming that the employer will make connections on their own. When drafting the letter’s qualifications section, consider the applicant’s teaching effectiveness, service, awards and recognitions, and other related work experience.  

Academic excellence with examples

When sharing examples of the applicant’s record of academic excellence, you should include their teaching effectiveness, commitment to student success, and impact on students. Having an outstanding record of academic excellence is essential, as higher education provides teaching and learning processes to advance students’ knowledge and skill development. Consequently, academic excellence is the paramount focus of faculty. As faculty, content knowledge is demonstrated through mastery and currency of knowledge. Recommendation letters should prominently feature the applicant’s academic excellence with specific examples. Areas that might speak to an applicant’s academic excellence include course and curriculum design, innovative teaching and/or research practices, practical advising/mentoring approaches, and fostering collegial collaboration and relationships.    

Department, college, school, community service

Higher education relies upon faculty members’ time, energy, and resources to accomplish its institutional mission to support students. If academic excellence is the primary focus for faculty, service is the second focus. Through departmental, college, and school service, faculty can contribute and participate in institutional shared governance. In addition to institutional service (department, college, and school), faculty also provide service to the community through scholarship and sharing of expertise. Therefore, recommenders should include the applicant’s service experience specific to the position with examples highlighting success and effectiveness.

Academic and professional experience

Recommendation letters for faculty positions should emphasize the applicant’s knowledge, skills, and abilities as an academician and areas of expertise that the applicant is passionate about. This emphasis should include descriptions with examples. Faculty are subject matter experts in their respective fields and must actively explore, expand, and deepen their knowledge as subject matter experts. Typically, faculty have developed their expertise in their particular discipline overtime via educational and professional experiences. Moreover, experts maintain a rigorous program of ongoing study in their field. Faculty are responsible for advancing their professions and enhancing the quality of scholarly and professional organizations. Therefore, recommendation letters should speak to the strides applicants are making in this area. 

Awards and recognition

While the applicant will likely include awards and recognition in their application materials, including awards and recognition in recommendation letters will highlight specific accolades for the search committee. Awards recognizing the applicant’s contributions in teaching, profession, the community, and students are all noteworthy. Here you can also speak to the qualities, characteristics, and transferable skills the applicant demonstrated to earn the award and recognition.  


Recommenders should conclude the letter with a strong endorsement. It would be best to be specific and explicit with exemplary qualities (positive traits, skills) that resonate with you about the applicant. Again, recommendation letters should start with a strong applicant endorsement that is then supported with specific experiences and examples. To conclude, recommendation letters directly relate the applicant’s qualifications with the position they are applying for (it is best to include some specific information about the position, department, school, or college). Be sure to explicitly state your endorsement of the applicant, emphasizing their potential contributions. Lastly, include your contact information and offer to be of assistance should the search committee require any additional information.  

Recommendation letters should be personalized

Recommendation letters should be personalized, demonstrating a genuine connection between the applicant and recommender. Search committees are tasked with reviewing many application packets, and generic recommendation letters can adversely impact the review of an applicant when the recommendation letter does not indeed strengthen the application. Recommendation letters should be written by those who know the applicant and can speak to their knowledge, skills, and abilities without reservation. Recommendation letters should only come from those who feel comfortable supporting the applicant and can provide a positive, enthusiastic, genuine, and personalized letter.

Feel free to join us in the conversation on Twitter at @TomlinAntione or LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/dariansc/.

Authors Bios:

Darian Senn-Carter, EdD, is a tenure-track Full Professor + Interim Director of the Homeland Security and Criminal Justice Institute at Anne Arundel Community College. Dr. Senn-Carter is also an ICF Certified Life Coach.  

Antione D. Tomlin, PhD, PCC is a tenure-track Associate Professor + Chair of the Academic Literacies Department at Anne Arundel Community College. Dr. Tomlin is also an ICF Certified Life Coach.

Any opinions, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the view of Interfolio.

Anne H. Charity Hudley, PhD

Professor of Education and African-American Studies and Linguistics

Stanford University

Christine Mallinson, PhD

Professor of Language, Literacy, and Culture Program and Director of the Center for Social Science Scholarship

University of Maryland Baltimore County

Antione D. Tomlin

Antione D. Tomlin, PhD, PCC

Associate Professor + Chair of the Academic Literacies Department

Anne Arundel Community College

“I’m Black; my language is Black, my being is Black,” said one college graduate we interviewed. “You don’t need permission to be Black or to use your Black language. Demand the respect be put on your language because your Black language matters, and so do you!”

In 2018, our team began the Talking College Project, a four-year study, where we worked with over 100 Black and African American undergraduate and graduate students across the U.S. Students shared about their linguistic experiences in college and why recognition and respect for Black language and culture is something that all Black college students and the faculty who work with them need to know. 

Black college students deserve to reap the benefits of decades of linguistic research into Black language practices, including the specific variety often referred to as African American English. Linguists know that all languages and varieties have inherent value. From a Black-centered perspective, the cultural value of Black language practices is even more important. Through language and communication, social relationships and community belonging are forged. 

The need for this information to reach Black students and faculty is a critical equity issue in education, as we support all students to claim and create their own linguistic and cultural destinies. Black language matters because Black lives matter.

Your Language Is Your Black Is Your Beautiful

In the words of our student researchers, your language is your Black is your beautiful. What Black people say is a key pathway through which Blackness is transmitted culturally, and how Black people talk is also a cultural enactment of Blackness. When we talk about Blackness, we’re referring to a broad set of experiences of history, culture, identity, and community. Language is central to Blackness in all its variability.

Across the Black Diaspora, the cultural value of Black language practices is seen in homes and with friends, in speeches and sermons and songs, in person and online. In college, Black students use African American English and Black language practices as a means of preserving meaning and of establishing points of cultural connection with one another. 

Given the principle that language is culture, we challenge the damaging belief that Black language is deficient. Too often, Black students receive this false message. Such claims are not true: Your language is not broken, nor are you. Language variation does not diminish in any way a person’s intellect or aptitude.  Black is beautiful, and Black language is, too.

Your Black Don’t Have to Look or Sound Like Someone Else’s

There isn’t just one way to communicate. Some Black people use African American English, some use it situationally, some don’t use it at all, and many Black people use other languages and language varieties. Language is a product and a repository of Black culture, but it is not what makes a person Black.

As our student researchers put it, your Black don’t have to look like or sound like someone else’s. How a person uses language is shaped by their communities and their individual experiences. A person’s entire linguistic knowledge—the languages, varieties, and styles that they use or know to any degree—makes up their personal linguistic repertoire.

Black students deserve to name, understand, and own the linguistic variation that they may have intuited throughout their lives. The National Council of Teachers of English and the Conference on College Composition and Communication stated this point in 1974 and have reaffirmed it ever since: Students have the right to their own language—including all the spoken, signed, written, and gestural characteristics that give Black languages and language varieties their richness and cultural resonance.

Black Language Is Activism, and It Is Powerful beyond Measure 

Language has always been a primary site of unification and resistance for Black people—from the antebellum period, when enslaved Africans sang songs to guide freedom seekers, to the contemporary era, when social justice leaders organized a global movement around the phrase #BlackLivesMatter.

Black college students led the Civil Rights Movement of the 1960s. Today, Black college students are still rising up and taking a stand for racial justice and systemic social change. You know your language and what it can do, especially when it joins with other voices. Language is a tool of the Black freedom struggle and liberation.

Black college students are key to a new tradition of liberatory linguistics that can bring about change in higher education. Based on our research, we created strategies, modeled after the Speak Up! Campaign of the Southern Poverty Law Center, to support Black students in claiming their linguistic agency and creating linguistic inclusion on college campuses. 

  • Be Prepared.Claim your language and challenge anti-Blackness. Where you can, speak out if someone devalues your (or someone else’s) language—such as, “My language is my culture” and “We preserve our language to preserve our meaning, value, and worth.”
  • Be Encouraging. Help others stand up for linguistic justice and speak out against linguistic racism. Express your support for brave peers who insist on their right to their linguistic identity and heritage.
  • Be Confident. Advocate for linguistic rights whenever you can. Where can students hear, see, and use Black language, language varieties, and culture on campus? Where can greater linguistic inclusion be achieved in classes and on campus?
  • Be Proactive. Create the linguistic climate that you seek. Join with faculty and staff mentors who can help advocate on students’ behalf. Through linguistic activism, you can create a more welcoming place for Black languages, varieties, and those who use them.

You Know Your Language

There is so much left to learn about Black and African American college students’ linguistic experiences. To do so requires gathering more knowledge from students themselves—including those who speak African American English, those who don’t, those who flip the switch, and those who mix it up.

We hope to motivate Black and African American college students to do their own research into Black language practices, through community-centered models of doing linguistics. Be bold and share your experiences to converse and learn together, and consider how your research can advance linguistic justice. After all, you know your language better than anyone else. 

Feel free to join us in the conversation on Twitter at @TomlinAntione, @clmallinson, and @Acharityhudley

Authors Bios:

Anne H. Charity Hudley, PhD, is Professor of Education and African-American Studies and Linguistics, by courtesy at Stanford University. Her research and publications address the relationship between language variation and educational practices and policies across the educational lifespan from preschool through graduate school, particularly for Black students. She has a special dedication to creating high-impact practices for underrepresented students in higher education. Charity Hudley is the co-author of numerous publications and four books: The Indispensable Guide to Undergraduate Research, We Do Language: English Language Variation in the Secondary English Classroom, Understanding English Language Variation in U.S. Schools, and Talking College Making Space for Black Language Practices in Higher Education. Charity Hudley is a fellow of the Linguistic Society of America and a fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS).

Christine Mallinson, PhD, is professor in the Language, Literacy, and Culture Program and affiliate professor in the Department of Gender, Women’s, and Sexuality Studies at the University of Maryland Baltimore County (UMBC), where she also is the founding director of the Center for Social Science Scholarship. The author and editor of numerous books and articles, Mallinson draws upon interdisciplinary frameworks from linguistics, education, and sociology to examine language as a socially and culturally contextualized practice in ways that are community-centered while also informing educational policy and practice. She is the past chair and a current member of the LSA Ethics Committee, as well as a member of the LSA Committee on Ethnic Diversity in Linguistics. She is past associate editor of the journal American Speech, and she has served on the editorial boards of the journals American Speech, Language and Linguistics Compass, and Voice & Speech Review.

Antione D. Tomlin, PhD, PCC is a tenure-track Associate Professor + Chair of the Academic Literacies Department at Anne Arundel Community College. Dr. Tomlin is also an ICF Certified Life Coach.

Any opinions, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the view of Interfolio.