We are actively monitoring a widespread outage of AWS which is impacting parts of Interfolio’s platform including delays when logging in and navigating throughout our system.
Our team will share updates as soon as they are available.

WASHINGTON, D.C., April 20, 2017—Leading private research university Boston College has chosen to expand its partnership with Interfolio, pioneer in faculty-first higher education technology, by adding the Promotion & Tenure faculty review platform to its existing contracts for the company’s recruitment and reporting offerings.

“We had already spent five years modernizing and streamlining our faculty recruitment with Interfolio’s help, and we had carefully chosen the best faculty activity reporting platform for our needs,” says Jessica Pesce, Ph.D., Associate Director, Faculty and Academic Affairs. “We saw a golden opportunity both to link all these faculty affairs processes together and to bring the workload of tenure and promotion into the digital age.”

With this move, Boston College now uses all four of Interfolio’s faculty technology products to address the full cycle of recruitment, academic career development, tenure and formal review, and activity reporting. (Promotion & Tenure includes Interfolio’s Dossier product for all faculty members at the institution.)

“As a client since 2012, Boston College has been an instrumental partner in the development of our faculty-centric products and has helped us to meet the complex needs of higher education,” says Interfolio CEO Andrew Rosen. “We’re excited that we’re their solution for faculty data and accreditation, as well as the platform for every moment in the Boston College faculty lifecycle, from hiring to professional service, promotion, and tenure.”

In addition to the collaborative relationship from the beginnings of the company’s Faculty Search platform, Boston College had separately adopted the FACULTY180 faculty activity reporting product in 2016 (prior to Interfolio’s acquisition of peer company DATA180). “Throughout our five years working with Interfolio,” says Pesce, “they have consistently maintained a genuine dialogue with us about our experience, how we use the product, and what could make their services more valuable to us. They’ve let us help shape the kind of technology that we actually need, and we’re very thankful for that.”