We are actively monitoring a widespread outage of AWS which is impacting parts of Interfolio’s platform including delays when logging in and navigating throughout our system.
Our team will share updates as soon as they are available.
Emory University campus

On-Demand Webinar: Announcing the Interfolio Data Service featuring Emory University

Learn about higher education’s new path to trustworthy academic data.

Please join us for a free webinar about faculty data and how universities can streamline their faculty activity reporting needs.

Special guest Bridget Mullaney, MD, of the FACET Project Team in the Office of the Provost at Emory University, joins us to share a case study on their approach to activity reporting with Interfolio, and we will discuss why Emory was drawn to the innovative new Interfolio Data Service. 

Launched fall 2020, the Interfolio Data Service represents a new way of tackling a fundamental challenge in academic information management: ensuring the ongoing reliability of faculty activity data. 

Emory University is the first higher education institution to partner with Interfolio on the vision of the new Data Service and its potential to populate the Interfolio Faculty Activity Reporting database with reliable citation data. We’ll hear what problems they are seeking to solve with this groundbreaking offering.


Bridget Mullaney, MD

FACET Project Team, Office of the Provost, Emory University

Katie James, Ph.D

Product Manager, Interfolio

Lauren Wolk, MBA

Senior Project Manager, Interfolio

This webinar took place in October 2020.

White Paper: Data in Faculty Affairs

How Modern Universities Can Get the Most out of Tracking Data

Download the free white paper to learn about:

  • 3 core types of faculty activity data 
  • Main pain points your peers face around faculty data
  • Best practices from peer institutions

“Before requiring information, think deeply about why you need it and whether collecting it is worth the potential inconvenience to faculty.”

David Schwartz
Associate Vice Provost for Faculty Affairs
University of Nevada, Las Vegas