We are actively monitoring a widespread outage of AWS which is impacting parts of Interfolio’s platform including delays when logging in and navigating throughout our system.
Our team will share updates as soon as they are available.

On-Demand Webinar: A Modern Online Solution for Academic Review and Promotion Workflows at Larger Institutions

How are you currently managing the essential faculty advancement and workflow processes for promotion and tenure? Many institutions are relying on paper-based systems, piecemeal digital solutions, or a stopgap option such as SharePoint, Google Drive, or Box.

If this sounds familiar, watch our webinar, recorded in August 2021, to hear why you need to consider making a change now so that your institution can achieve its strategic goals and faculty excellence. Plus, our software is chosen by faculty members (and administrative staff) time and time again. 

In this webinar we discuss the following:

  1. How a system for transparent, equitable reviews demonstrates your investment and value of faculty
  2. How Interfolio solves for your unique challenges with its 20 years of expertise working in higher education 
  3. What kinds of new information around faculty career development universities have gained by using Interfolio
  4. Why an effective faculty evaluations technology has become a new requirement for modern universities of all sizes that consider diversity, equity, and inclusion initiatives paramount to their success
  5. How Interfolio Professional Services can mitigate and alleviate change management challenges

Why should you partner with Interfolio?

Watch this recording to find out how Interfolio has helped administrators, deans, and faculty evaluation committees to save time, be more focused, and stay consistent in decisions. We’ll also explore why they chose Interfolio’s Review, Promotion & Tenure module instead of other vendors or a homegrown system.

Some Interfolio clients with the Review, Promotion, and Tenure module on campus include, among many others:

Carnegie Mellon UniversityUniversity of Arizona
Johns Hopkins UniversityDartmouth College
Texas A & M University-College StationNew York University
DePaul UniversityYale University
Tulane University of LouisianaOberlin College

“One of the most important factors for success in transitioning from a paper-based RTP process to a digital format is supporting the culture change with a product that is intuitive and user-friendly for faculty candidates, committee members, administrators, and support staff.  Because Interfolio is tailored to the needs of faculty and the RTP process and provides superior customer service, we will be able to manage that culture change more easily and realize the benefits of a digital RTP process.”   

Natalie Bersig, Director of Faculty Affairs / California State University, Long Beach