Easy Data Management for Scholars


How can academic institutions connect two of today’s forward-thinking academic technologies in a way that empowers scholars to tell their own professional stories?

This free webinar and Q&A showcases the capacity of the Interfolio Faculty Information System (FIS) to benefit both scholars and their institutions via integration with the many useful, existing academic data services out there today.

As a prominent example, we discuss Interfolio’s compatibility with ORCID—an international, interdisciplinary, open, non-proprietary, and not-for-profit organization providing individual researchers with:

  • A persistent digital identifier that distinguishes them from other researchers
  • A record that supports automatic links among all their professional activities

By using both the Interfolio FIS and ORCID together, your college or university can make it easy for faculty members to compile their academic profile and activity information—such as research, creative productions, courses taught, conferences attended, committee service, and more—together to serve both their own career needs and their employer’s data maintenance requirements.

The webinar includes a presentation on the widely felt challenges in academia that gave rise both to the Interfolio FIS and to ORCID, and a live demonstration of the two systems working together.

This webinar took place in December 2018.