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Tuesday, June 25, 2019 / 2:00-3:00 PM EDT

At U.S. research universities, where does faculty data management fit into technology choices?

In this free webinar and Q&A, hear an interview with Bill McCreary, Vice President, Chief Information Officer and Chief Technology Officer at the University of Toledo. We’ll talk about faculty data availability, its impact on the university’s research enterprise, and the university’s decision to use the Interfolio faculty activity reporting module.

One of 14 state universities in Ohio, The University of Toledo is a student-centered, public metropolitan research university with 20,500 students. The University of Toledo and the Medical University of Ohio merged July 2006 to form the third-largest public university operating budget in the state. The University is accredited by The Higher Learning Commission.

The webinar includes:

  • A conversation with Bill about the stakes and place of faculty data management in the University of Toledo’s operations
  • A live demonstration of the faculty-friendly Interfolio module for activity reporting
  • A discussion of Interfolio’s growing capacity to integrate with other existing sources of data about your faculty’s work

About our guest

Read Mr. McCreary’s full bio on the University of Toledo website here.