How can academic institutions earn enthusiastic adoption of new technology among faculty members?
“Faculty members support faculty information systems more readily when an institution has a commitment to transparency and to allowing faculty to validate activity data the institution holds about them.”
Colleges and universities have many strong reasons to bring dedicated technology onto campus specifically to help with faculty work, data, and decisions. Yet it is widely noted that faculty members—clearly central to every institution’s academic mission—are often resistant to new systems that they feel the administration is pushing on them. And they have good reason to be.
In this free Interfolio white paper, we draw on consultations with our Product Advisory Committee—a group of faculty affairs and academic technology leaders at institutions that use Interfolio—to present ten lessons about building faculty buy-in for enterprise faculty technology.
The white paper advises institutional leaders on:
- Making the information stored transparent and accessible to faculty
- Core areas in which to empower faculty to benefit in their careers from data stored by the institution
- Steps to take with administrative staff to ensure faculty get consistent messages