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Change Management - University Faculty Technology - Interfolio

“Merely mandating the use of new software, and providing training to stakeholders in academic communities, is not enough to ensure new software implementations are successful.”

How do modern colleges and universities successfully achieve major changes in workplace process—including academic departments, leadership, and staff?

This free white paper from faculty technology company Interfolio gives a concrete roadmap, including firsthand advice from experienced professionals at several universities, for the often underestimated project of introducing institution-wide changes in process, culture, and tools in a higher education organization anywhere in the world.

The white paper reflects Interfolio’s interviews with key players who have overseen change management related to faculty technology at several partner universities. These insights should help the academic community—especially faculty affairs and academic technology—to better understand the trends and common challenges, as well as solutions and best practices, in implementing organizational change on campus.

Why is investing in change management so essential for faculty technology in higher education today?

Faculty affairs and technology leaders at colleges and universities increasingly understand that the digital transformations sweeping across all sectors of modern life have ramifications for teaching, research, and the academic mission as well.

It is likely that faculty members and other stakeholders have lived through unsuccessful transformations, where poorly executed change strategies have required them to take on extra responsibilities. Haphazard implementation can take a toll on stakeholders, even to the point of causing tech burnout—which can lead to opposition to, or at least lackluster adoption of, new technology that will be increasingly necessary for the institution in the future.

You’ll learn about:
  • How faculty-focused leaders in major universities achieve meaningful change
  • Ways to successfully engage individuals on personal, emotional, and cultural levels, in order to adopt new tools and practices
  • How to best manage the timeline and pacing of a new change, especially with multiple campus stakeholders
Download the free white paper: