We are actively monitoring a widespread outage of AWS which is impacting parts of Interfolio’s platform including delays when logging in and navigating throughout our system.
Our team will share updates as soon as they are available.

Starting today, institutions and organizations using ByCommittee Promotion & Tenure will be able to customize certain aspects of the platform’s appearance to match their own brand, so that a user’s interaction with the ByCommittee environment feels more like interaction with the client institution.

We know a professional appearance is paramount when it comes to formal review procedures for faculty appointment, tenure, and promotion. And when an organization uses a third-party platform to manage these sensitive committee decisions, we agree that the platform should fully convey that organization’s authenticity, identity, and reputation. If I’m a committee member, an external evaluator, or a candidate, I shouldn’t feel like I’m being advertised to by a software company.

After all, Interfolio isn’t managing your committee review process—you are.

Specifically, you’ll now be able to establish a two-color palette and an institutional logo, all of which will populate the committee-facing pages within the platform and all outbound email communication. As a new standard feature of ByCommittee Promotion & Tenure, this level of branding carries no extra cost to any client.

The institutional branding feature will be accessible only to Administrators at the highest level of their institution’s ByCommittee Promotion & Tenure hierarchy, and will appear as an option on the user’s “Administration Settings” page.


This development should improve the look and feel of a user’s interaction with ByCommittee Promotion & Tenure—in particular, our hope is that it will more effectively convey authenticity and formality to external evaluators, and perhaps even lead to a better rate of submission for those evaluations.

Side note: The logo you establish for branding in ByCommittee Promotion & Tenure will also display on the account dashboard of every user with access to that module at your institution. For more information, see our recent blog post about the new account dashboard look!

For screenshots and detailed instructions on how to use the branding feature, take a look at our article Customize ByCommittee Promotion & Tenure with Your Organization’s Colors and Logo.