We are actively monitoring a widespread outage of AWS which is impacting parts of Interfolio’s platform including delays when logging in and navigating throughout our system.
Our team will share updates as soon as they are available.

This Sunday, April 17, at the Higher Learning Commission’s 2016 Annual Conference, we’re hosting a talk with Sarah B. Steinberg, Ed.D, and Interfolio founder Steve Goldenberg on academic committee and workflow management. We’ll also have a booth where you can come chat with us anytime! 

Straight from the conference’s Program Book, here’s what the panel’s going to address:


“Are universities putting their mission at risk by neglecting to support faculty committee work? This presentation is for deans and other campus leaders who want to learn how to support the effective use of faculty time by boosting collaboration, maximizing workflows and reducing the “administrivia” around professional service.”

WHEN: 10:15-11:00 AM, Sunday, April 17

WHERE: Crystal Ballroom A – Green Level – West Tower

Currently Dr. Sarah B. Steinberg runs Frogstone Strategies, a firm that provides resource and strategic assessments, market research, and consulting services to colleges and universities. (She also gave an interesting webinar with us back in the winter.) With expertise gained as the former Executive Vice Provost as well as the Senior Associate Dean of the Advanced Academic Programs at Johns Hopkins University, she specializes in revenue enhancement through online, continuing, and professional education; strategic planning and assessment; market analysis and research; academic leadership and administration; technology usage and application; and business/education consulting. 

Since founding Interfolio in 1999, Steve Goldenberg has expanded the company’s web-based academic services to reach more than 200,000 active users and 300 institutions. Now President and Chief Product Officer, Steve sets the corporate strategy for enhancing product and service offerings, and for growing Interfolio into its future as a company that supports every stage in the scholarly lifecycle. In his spare time, he serves as an adjunct professor at Georgetown University and sits on the board of directors at Transformer, an organization that promotes emerging artists.

Questions? Suggestions? Objections? Email us at events@interfolio.com. See you this weekend!