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This month, we’re excited to talk with Adrianna Kezar, co-director of the Pullias Center for Higher Education at the University of Southern California, about what academic institutions can do to better assist the many faculty members they employ off the tenure track. There is no cost to attend. Watch the recording here and view the slides here.

Over 70% of faculty members employed in U.S. colleges and universities hold contingent, part-time or otherwise non-tenure track positions. In other words, the majority of scholars who carry the academic mission must do so without the job security that comes with a conventional, tenured, full-time professorship. What’s more, they miss out on the full participation in shared governance that’s granted to their colleagues on the tenure track.

Such employment models put these faculty members in a precarious position that at times feels uncomfortably at odds with the institutions’ professed mission—and the trend has sparked much vocal, at times emotionally charged commentary from the academic community.

So what are the implications of heavy reliance on this kind of employment? And how could academic employers better support these faculty members, in a way that still addresses the institution’s financial needs?

Join us on Thursday, March 31, from 2:00-3:00 PM EDT, for a conversation on the topic with Adrianna Kezar, a national expert on change, governance, and leadership in higher education.

As co-director of USC’s Pullias Center for Higher Education, Kezar has conducted substantial research into academic careers and organizational structures. She is principal investigator with the Delphi Project on the Changing Faculty and Student Success, a partnership with the American Association of Colleges & Universities, and collaborated on two published papers with the Delphi Project, “The Professoriate Reconsidered” and “Adapting by Design” (both 2015).

Interested? Watch the recording online!

Questions? Contact us at events@interfolio.com anytime.