We are actively monitoring a widespread outage of AWS which is impacting parts of Interfolio’s platform including delays when logging in and navigating throughout our system.
Our team will share updates as soon as they are available.

Register here for the February 25, 2016 installment of the Interfolio webinar series! We’ll be talking with Sewanee about how they’ve reorganized and streamlined their tenure and faculty promotion processes using the ByCommittee online platform. There is no cost to attend. UPDATE: Watch the recording online.

How can tenure review and academic promotion practices be set up to make better use of committees’ and staff members’ time?

Join us on Thursday, February 25 from 1:30-2:30 PM EST for a conversation with Elizabeth Skomp, Associate Professor of Russian and Associate Dean at Sewanee, The University of the South, about the need to find a digital approach that was both faculty-friendly and centralized—and the success they’ve found using ByCommittee Promotion & Tenure.

Interfolio’s Katherine Kelly and Zachary Ulm will host the call, asking Associate Dean Skomp about things like:

  • What challenges at Sewanee prompted their search for a digital promotion and tenure process?
  • What new efficiencies (both hoped-for and unexpected) have been created in the transition to ByCommittee?
  • What practical concerns did they encounter around adopting a centralized digital system on campus?
  • How has a central online platform improved the experience for Sewanee’s faculty and administrators?

Our presenters welcome questions from the audience throughout the session, and will set aside time to give good answers.

Interested? Watch the recording online. Questions? You can reach us at events@interfolio.com.